Read Darwin's Lips: No New Taxes

North Carolina used to be as reliably Red as it was verdant and oh, so full of Clean and Proper Ladies Wearing Pearls. Until last November, that is.
So! How to fight against poor people being able to get those fuzzy, irregular moles checked in places besides barn stalls and emergency rooms?
Sorry. Wrong post.
Jeff Morse of the Wake County Republican Party wants you to get your thinkin' caps on, and spend that fat stimulus check on some patriotic glitter paint for the latest, greatest installment in the GOP's plan to take their country back from ACORN. (Read the email in it's full splendor at Wonkette)
Dear Fellow Americans,
As you may know our President is coming to Raleigh, NC this Wednesday. Let's line the streets and send a PEACEFUL message to him.
(Note the emphasis on PEACEFUL. Don't want any gun-hoarders to answer the dog-whistle they hear daily on FOX or Limbaugh and y'know, 'Take Their Country Back")
Jeff helpfully suggests some ideas for good signs, including:
"Darwin would have been a Republican!"
YES! That will stop Barry and his minions from treating healthcare like we do the military or even a municipal water supply and "spreading the wealth around," socialistically.
UPDATE: It seems the repubs are also protesting Craigslist...this is also on the roster of signs:
"Sell your stuff somewhere else! "
Like HERE, maybe?
Labels: Abortions, Darwin, fuzzy moles, GOP, healthcare, North carolina, socialism
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