An Open Letter to Health Insurance Reform Lie-Bot, Dr. Betsy McCaughey

(For those of you just tuning in-- Betsy McCaughey is the 90's anti-reform cougar who has emerged from her pod yet again to prevent progressive health care reform from getting people care in places other than the emergency rooms)
First off, tremendous job debating Rep. Weiner in NYC and various others of late. If only they had read the bill! I think the provisions you have been exposing, like the concession to GOP leader John Boehner for a program to install "vitamin D solar treatment lamps" in the congressional cafeterias, demonstrate an across the aisle breakdown in advocating for the real public interest.
Without someone like you advocating for our side, we may have risked these bills somehow passing!
But I bring good tidings! Upon analysis, I think that within the specific intersection of your two bodies of work, namely (a) the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths and (b) blocking any and all health care reform by any means necessary whatsoever, you will find that your aim of reducing infection deaths has already been very much achieved.
For example, we acknowledge all of the working-class Americans who so patriotically avoid medical treatment so that the rest of us more fortunate do not have to suffer the annoyance of longer waits to see the finite number of physicians; if these people actually *did* visit hospitals and doctors with regularity, hospital-caused infection deaths would increase, just by virtue of the increase in users of the system.
So for that, we can thank those patriotic citizens who forgo treatment, and you as well, Betsy. You seem to have achieved your goals.
So for that, we can thank those patriotic citizens who forgo treatment, and you as well, Betsy. You seem to have achieved your goals.
How about, instead of reforming the system to stop bankruptcies and foreclosures and denial of liver of transplants for teenage girls, let's show our support the same way we support our troops --let's wear some fucking ribbons! Number #1!
If only Philip Morris were funding RID, surely you would have been awarded a bonus big enough with which to finally Go Galt.Labels: Betsy McCaughey, Go Galt, Health Care Reform, john boehner orange, philip morris, RID
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