Noted NY Post Columnist & Anti-Reform Golem, Betsy McCaughey GOES THERE
WOW BETS! Under the auspices of "Defend Your Healthcare," the infamous pretend-we're-not-an-insurance-industry lobbyist-front group, Ol' Bets detailed much, much, more than the usual batshit fiction which she will employ to derail health care reform. MUCH MORE! This time Betsy-- a veritable Old Faithful of corporatized bullshit--done gone even more fartherer!
How far is too far for a narscisstic golem like Betsy McCaughey? HOW ABOUT IF YOU ARE IN A WHEELCHAIR = YOU ARE A CLUNKER?!?
Oh, yes. She. Did.
Well, here it is:
We need medical care to avoid becoming clunkers -- disabled, worn out, parked in wheelchairs or nursing homes.(emphasis mine)
Betsy! You have really outdone yourself! Labeling the disabled and wheelchair-users as "clunkers"...Then! she sees her own doozy and raises it a twenty by afterwards feebly trying a reach-around to pin her special sauce on President Obama! (Because it wouldn't be a Betsy column if Barry wasn't somehow trying to SWALLOW GRANDMA WHOLE, islamically.)
Christ! Cigna must be cutting some sweet checks for this!
Now we all know that the tabloid-tastic New York Post is where a writer goes to publish something so off-the-mark that no one else (not even the Wall Street Journal, apparently) will publish it. (Andrea Peyser's classic column where she not only claimed (with a very straight face) that people in Harlem "came out for" Hillary Clinton in the 2008 Democratic primaries but managed to slip in a "faithful to my race" comment and called Obama's Hope mantra "empty" without any citation or evidence other than the voices in her head saying so, comes to mind.) Only in New York, as the saying goes.
It only took a whole 10 seconds before the 4 trillion plus Glenn Beck 9/12-ers who marched on the capitol latched onto it as secular gospel. The tree of insanity must be watered from time to time with the lies of Betsy McCaughey and the grease of the New York Post!
I wondered when Betsy would re-emerge from the sludge of the Gowanus Canal with a fresh and exciting new tale to tell. (I tried to warn the superfund scientists to wait until after the health care debate was over to dredge for soil samples!) One bright ray of hope--I think we have finally reached Peak Betsy.
Labels: Abortions, Betsy McCaughey, Daily Show, Death Panels, Go Galt, Health Care Reform, philip morris, public option, Tea baggers
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