Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Noted NY Post Columnist & Anti-Reform Golem, Betsy McCaughey GOES THERE

Joy! Today I received an email message, personally signed and sent by none other than Betsy "Batshit" McCaughey! She of "Kill Granny" fame. I dusted off my "Palin/McCaughey 2012" trucker hat (is there any other kind?), tucked my ponytail through the opening in the back for such things, and clicked up on it.
Wait! There's More! -------->

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Friday, October 16, 2009

An Open Letter to Health Insurance Reform Lie-Bot, Dr. Betsy McCaughey

Dear Betsy,

(For those of you just tuning in-- Betsy McCaughey is the 90's anti-reform cougar who has emerged from her pod yet again to prevent progressive health care reform from getting people care in places other than the emergency rooms)

First off, tremendous job debating Rep. Weiner in NYC and various others of late. If only they had read the bill! I think the provisions you have been exposing, like the concession to GOP leader John Boehner for a program to install "vitamin D solar treatment lamps" in the congressional cafeterias, demonstrate an across the aisle breakdown in advocating for the real public interest.
Wait! There's More! -------->

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Across the Pond To Congratulate Betsy McCaughey, Diva of Death Panels

The Brits over at The Economist (the magazine everyone who is anyone pretends to read) are apparently bereft of CNN, and therefore did not realize what Sunlight + The First Half of October have done to Infamous Death Panel Diva, Betsy McCaughey's famous "OBAMA WILL SWALLOW YOUR GRANDMA WHOLE" argument. So, seeking an expert to help them understand what the hell is wrong with Americans they invited McCaughey to advocate (lie) against healthcare reform with luminaries such as Mr. Rogers (of Mr. Rogers' neighborhood), Guy With Huge Face, and Newt Gingrich.
Wait! There's More! -------->

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The REAL McCaughey: Champagne Wishes and Medicare Dreams!

Dr. Beasty is twatting, y'all.

Yes, Dr. Betsy McCaughey, terrible shill who tanked ClintonCare in the 1990's is back in action.  Probably to drum up business for whenever the healthcare reform debate is over. Tobacco Industry? Check. Amorphous, behind the scenes health insurance interests? Done, and done. What's left?
Wait! There's More! -------->

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

DL21c and Young Invincibles Under Fire for Refusing My Questions

First health reform scare-golem Betsy Mccaughey came for Hillarycare, and I said nothing, because I was like ten years old or something. Then she came for Barry Hussein-care, and decided that I would find the answer to the burning question of our time: 

Who Is Renting Betsy McCaughey? 

Wait! There's More! -------->

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Monday, October 5, 2009

And By "Lincoln-Douglas Style Debate" They Mean "Wingnuts Will Be Frisked for Weapons at the Door"

Friends, Space-Muslims, and Countrymen:

Tonight I will alight upon the not-a-townhall healthcare debate thing put on by the DL21c and Young Invincibles in NYC. Noted performance artiste Betsy McCaughey, author of No Exit: Obama Will Swallow Grandma Whole, will be there to play Alan Colmes to Rep. Anthony Weiner's Sean Hannity. Or maybe Roy to Weiner's Seigfreid. Or maybe she is going to Seigfried his Weiner. Either way, I will report, you will decide.

I have submitted a few questions for Bets myself via the event webpage:
Wait! There's More! -------->

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